9th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium | ![]() |
Kos International Convention Center, Kos Island, Greece
July 7-9, 2003 |
Key dates
Please observe the following key dates:
Submission deadline: February 14th, 2003. Notification of acceptance: March 23rd, 2003. Submissions
All submissions should have :
- A title page with the name, (principal author first) : First (given) name, Last (family) name and affiliations
- Address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address of a contact author
- Abstract text
Authors of accepted papers will have the option of having their papers included in a formal Proceedings to be published by the IEEE. The title page of each submission should state whether or not the authors want the paper to be considered for publication in the Symposium Proceedings. To be included in the Proceedings, a full-length paper must be submitted by the submission deadline.
Authors not wishing their work published in the Proceedings may submit either a full-length paper or an extended abstract.
Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF or Postscript (large Postscript files should be compressed and uuencoded) to IOLTS03.
For ftp submissions please contact M. Sonza Reorda.Review Process
To ensure a high-quality conference, all abstracts and Proceedings papers will be reviewed by the Programme Committee members under the leadership of the Programm Conference Chairs for technical merit and content.
Conditions of Acceptance
Authors are expected to secure registration fees and travel and accommodation funding, through their sponsoring organizations, before submitting abstracts. Only original material should be submitted.
Accepted papers are subject to submission to a JETTA Special Issue on On Line Testing. The authors should notify the Program Chairs if they agree the paper to be involved in this process.