18th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium
MeliĆ” Sitges Hotel, Sitges, Spain, June 27-29, 2012
Organizing and Program Committees
MeliĆ” Sitges Hotel, Sitges, Spain, June 27-29, 2012
Organizing and Program Committees

General ChairsM. Nicolaidis, TIMAR. Canal, UPC Program Chairs D. Gizopoulos, U Athens X. Vera, Intel Vice-General Chairs Y. Zorian, Synopsys A. Chatterjee, Georgia Tech Vice-Program ChairsM. Abadir, FreescaleY. Makris, UT Dallas Special SessionsR. Aitken, ARMH. Stratigopoulos, TIMA Local ArrangementsJ.-L. Cruz, UPCPublicationsR. Velazco, TIMAN. Zergainoh, TIMA PublicityL. Anghel, TIMAM. Psarakis, U Piraeus Audio Visual ChairsS. Ganapathy, UPCZ. Jaksic, UPC |
FinanceD. Duenas, Grupo PacificoETTTC LiaisonM. Sonza Reorda, Politec. di TorinoProgram CommitteeJ. Abella, Barcelona Supercomp. Center.J. Abraham, U. Texas at Austin D. Alexandrescu, iRoC D. Appello, ST Microelectronics M. Baklashov, Intel R. Baumann, TI M. Benabdenbi, LIP6 E. Boehl, Robert Bosch GmbH C. Bolchini, Politec. di Milano A. Bystrov, U. Newcastle Y. Cao, Arizona State U. L. Carro, UFRGS S. Chakravarty, LSI Logic V. Chandra, ARM M. De Alba, Intel G. Di Natale, LIRMM A. Evans, Cisco G. Georgakos, Infineon P. Girard, LIRMM M. Goessel, U. Postdam |
W. Gustin, Infineon A. Haggag, Freescale S. Hamdioui, TU Delft J. Hayes, U. Michigan S. Hellebrand, U. Paderborn E. Ibe, Hitachi R. Iyer, U. Illinois A. Krasniewski, Warsaw U. T. R. Kumar, U. Illinois S. Kundu, U. Mass. Amherst R. Leveugle, TIMA C. Lopez Ongil, U. Carlos III de Madrid M. Lubaszewski, UFRGS N. Mentens, KU Leuven C. Metra, U. Bologna M. Michael, U. Cyprus S. Mitra, Stanford U. F. Monteiro, U. Metz S. Mukhopadhyaya, Georgia Tech. D. Nikolos, U. Patras M. Ottavi, U. Roma P. Pande, Washington State U. S. Pandey, NXP C. Papachristou, CWRU R. Parekhji, TI I. Parulkar, Cisco A. Paschalis, U Athens |
Z. Peng, Linkoping U. S. Piestrak, U. Metz I. Polian, U. Passau S. Pontarelli, U Roma D. Pradhan, U. Bristol P. Prinetto, Politec. di Torino M. Rebaudengo, Politec. di Torino K. Roy, Purdue U. J. Segura, U. Illes Balears N. Seifert, Intel J. Semiao, INESC-ID / U. Algarve E. Simeu, TIMA Laboratory A. Singh, Auburn U. V. Singh, IISc J. P. Teixeira, IST/INESC-ID N. Touba, U. Texas S. Tragoudas, U. Southern Illinois Y. Tsiatouhas, U Ioannina T. Uemura, Fujitsu Labs F. Vargas, PUCRS A. Veneris, U Toronto M. Violante, Politec. di Torino I. Voyiatzis, TEI Athens H. J. Wunderlich, U. Stuttgart Q. Xu, Chinese U. Hong Kong P. Zuber, IMEC |