General Chair
M. Nicolaidis, TIMA Laboratory
J. Segura, U. Illes Balears
Program Chairs
J. P. Hayes, U. of Michigan
D. Nikolos, U. Patras
Vice General Chair
Y. Zorian, LogicVision
Vice-Program Chair
C. Metra, U. Bologna
C. Lopez Barrio, Telefónica
H. Vergos, U. of Patras
Local Arrangements
E. García, U. Illes Balears
M. Roca, U. Illes Balears
E. Isern, U. Illes Balears
ETTTC Liaison
C. Landrault, LIRMM
Program Committee
J. Abraham, U. Texas at Austin
M. Abramovici, Lucent Bell Labs
S. P. Athan, U. South Florida
E. Boehl, Robert Bosch GmbH
T. J. Chakraborty, Lucent Bell Labs
C. Dufaza, LIRMM
J. Figueras, U. P. de Catalunya
W. K. Fuchs, Purdue U.
M. Goessel, Max-Plank Society
Th. Haniotakis, ISD
S. Hellebrand, U. Stuttgart
A. Ivanov, U. of Brit. Columbia
R. Iyer, U. Illinois
D. Kagaris, Southern Illinois U.
B. Kaminska, OPMAXX
R. Karri, New York U.
K. Kuchukian, Armenian NAS
P. K. Lala, N. Carolina A&T St. U.
H. Levendel, Motorola
R. Leveugle, TIMA
J. C. Lo, Rhode Island U.
E. J. McCluskey, Stanford U.
Y. Maidon, U. Bordeaux
V. S. S. Nair, South. Methodist U.
T. Nanya, Tokyo Inst. of Techn.
A. Orailoglu, U. of Cal. San Diego
S. Piestrak, TU of Wroclaw
P. Prinetto, Pol. Torino
M. Rebaudengo, Pol. Torino
E. Simeu, TIMA
A. D. Singh, Auburn U.
E. S. Sogomonyan, Rus. A. of Sc.
M. Sonza Reorda, Pol. Torino
C. E. Stroud, U. Kentucky
V. Székely, TU of Budapest
S. Tragoudas, U. Southern Illinois
F. Vargas, PUCRS
R. Velazco, TIMA
H. J. Wunderlich, U. Stuttgart
Call For Participation
The increased complexity of electronic systems has seen increasing reliability needs in various application domains as well as pressure for low cost products. There is a corresponding increased demand for cost-effective on-line test techniques. These needs will increase dramatically in the near future, since very deep submicron and nanometer technologies will impact adversely noise margins and make mandatory integrating on-line test in all ICs. The workshop is also emphasizing on on-line testing in the continuous operation of large applications such as wired, cellular and satellite telecommunication. The Workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC), co-organized by the TTTC On-line Testing TAC and the European Group of TTTC (ETTTC).
The topics include (but are not limited to) the following ones: |
On-line test in the contineous operation of large systems |
H. Levendel, Motorola
Field diagnosis, maintainability and reconfiguration |
M. Abramovici, Lucent Bell Labs
Reliability issues in nanometer technologies |
M. Nicolaidis,TIMA
G. Stamoulis, Intel
On-line testing of analog and mixed signal circuits |
C. Dufaza, LIRMM
Self-checking circuits and coding theory |
M. Goessel, Max-Plank Society
A. Paschalis, Athens U.
On-line and off-line BIST |
D. Gizopoulos, 4Plus
S. Tragoudas, U. Southern Illinois
Synthesis of on-line testable circuits |
R. Leveugle, TIMA
Radiation effects |
R. Velazco, TIMA
Fault-tolerant and fail-safe Systems |
A. Orailoglu, U. of Cal. San Diego
R. Karri, New York U.
On-line testing in automotive, railway, avionics and industrial control |
E. Boehl, Robert Bosch GmbH
S. Piestrak, TU of Wroclaw
On-line power monitoring and control |
K. Roy, Purdue U.
Reliability evaluation |
M. Sonza Reorda, Pol. Torino
On-line monitoring of current, temperature and other reliability indicators |
A. Ivanov, U. British Columbia
| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
All submissions should have a title page with the name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address of a contact author. Authors of accepted papers will have the option of having their papers included in a formal Proceedings to be published by the IEEE. The title page of each submission should state whether or not the authors want the paper to be considered for publication in the Workshop Proceedings. To be included in the Proceedings, a full-length paper must be submitted by the submission deadline. Authors who do not want their work to be published in the Proceedings may submit either a full-length paper or an extended abstract. Electronic submissions in PDF, Postscript (large Postscript files should be compressed and uuencoded), or MS Word for Windows, are encouraged. Hard copy submissions will also be accepted. Electronic submissions should be send to: For ftp submissions please contact For hardcopy submissions please send 5 copies to the Program Co-Chair D. Nikolos, to the address specified below.
Please observe the following deadlines:
Submission deadline: |
March 1, 2000 |
Notification of acceptance: |
March 31, 2000 |
Dimitris Nikolos
Dept. Comp. Eng. & Informatics
University of Patras
26500 Patras,
Tel.: +30 61 997-752
Fax: +30 61 991-909
General Information:
Jaume Segura
U. Illes Balears
Cra. Valldemossa, km. 7.5
07071 Palma de Mallorca
Tel.: +34 971-172530
Fax: +34 971-173426
Michael Nicolaidis
46 Av. Félix Viallet
38031 Grenoble
Tel.: +33 4 76 57 46 19
Fax: +33 4 76 47 38 14
About the location: Mallorca, the largest of the five Balearic Archipelago islands, is natural bridge between Menorca and Ibiza. It has a whole extension of 3640 Km2, limited by 500 Km. of coast.
Throughout the whole of its history, several cultures have modeled a unique heritage that will offer the visitor nearly all the different aspects of the Latin world. The almost mythical landscapes of the island were inhabited in turn by Carthaginians, Romans and Arabs, providing an exotic mixing of architectural, gastronomy and culture. Landscapes show a notorious variety: the sharpen mountains of the tramuntana heavily contrast with the vast central plain, soft hills of the llevant and the marvelous succession of cliffs, coves, bays, and sandy beaches which shape one of the most frequented coasts of the whole Mediterranean.
US participants may contact:
John P. Hayes
Tel: +1 734 763 0386
Fax: +1 734 763 4617
for any additional information.