6th IEEE International On-Line Testing Workshop
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| IEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Council.
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July 3-5, 2000, |
General Chairs M. Nicolaidis, TIMA Laboratory J. Segura, U. Illes Balears |
Program Chairs J.P. Hayes, U. of Michigan D. Nikolos, U. Patras |
Vice-General Chair Y. Zorian, LogicVision |
Vice-Program Chairs C. Metra, U. Bologna |
Local Arrangements E. García, U. Illes Balears |
Publicity C. Lopez Barrio, Telefónica |
Financial Chair M. Roca, U. Illes Balears |
Publications H. Vergos, U. Patras |
Secretariat E. Isern, U. Illes Balears |
ETTTC Liaison C. Landrault, LIRMM |
Program Committee
J. Abraham, U. Texas at Austin M. Abramovici, Lucent Bell Labs S.P. Athan, U. South Florida E. Boehl, Robert Bosch GmbH T.J. Chakraborty, Lucent Bell Labs C. Dufaza, LIRMM J. Figueras, U. P. de Catalunya W.K. Fuchs, Purdue U. D. Gizopoulos, U. Piraeus M. Gössel, U. of Postdam Th. Haniotakis, ISD S. Hellebrand, U. Stuttgart A. Ivanov, U. of Brit. Columbia R. Iyer, U. Illinois B. Kaminska, Fluence R. Karri, New York U. K. Kuchukian, Armenian NAS D. Kagaris, Southern Illinois U. P.K. Lala, U. of Arkansas H. Levendel, Motorola R. Leveugle, TIMA Laboratory J.C. Lo, Rhode Island U. |
E. J. McCluskey, Stanford U. Y. Maidon, U. Bordeaux V.S.S. Nair, South. Methodist U. T. Nanya, Tokyo Inst. of Techn. A. Orailoglu, U. Cal. San Diego A. Paschalis, U. Athens S. Piestrak, T. U. of Wroclaw P. Prinetto, Politec. di Torino M. Rebaudengo, Politec. di Torino K. Roy, Purdue U. A.D. Singh, Auburn U. E.S. Sogomonyan, Rus. A. of Sc. M. Sonza Reorda, Politec. di Torino G. Stamoulis, Intel C.E. Stroud, U. Kentucky E. Simeu, TIMA Laboratory V. Szekely, T. U. of Budapest S. Tragoudas, U. Southern Illinois F. Vargas, PUCRS R. Velazco, TIMA Laboratory H.J. Wunderlich, U. Stuttgart |
Monday July 3, 2000 | |
07.30 - 08.30 | Registration |
08.30 - 08.40 | Opening Address |
08.40 - 09.10 | Keynote Presentation: Dependability Issues in the WWW, Jacob Abraham, U. Texas at Austin |
09.10 - 09.20 | Break |
09.20 - 10.20 | Session 1: Fault Tolerance Moderator: T.M. Mak, Intel |
1.1. | Micro-Checkpointing: A Checkpointing for Multithreaded Applications, K. Whisnant, Z. Kalbarczyk, R.K. Iyer, Center for Reliable and High - Performance Computing, U. of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign |
1.2. | A COTS Wrapping Toolkit for Fault Tolerant Applications under Windows NT, A. Benso, S. Chiusano, P. Prinetto, Politecnico di Torino |
1.3. | Evaluating the effectiveness of a Software Fault-Tolerance technique on RISC and CISC based architectures, M. Rebaudengo, M. Sonza Reorda, M. Violante, P. Cheynet, B. Nicolescu, R. Velazco, Politecnico di Torino and TIMA Laboratory |
10.20 - 10.40 | Break |
10.40 - 11.40 | Session 2: Fault Tolerance and On-Line testing for Reconfigurable Systems Moderator: Georges Stamoulis, Intel |
2.1. | Relation between Fault Tolerance and Reconfiguration in Cellular Systems, V. Drabek, Brno U. of Technology |
2.2. | Improving On-Line BIST-Based Diagnosis for Roving STARs, M. Abramovici, C. Stroud, B. Skaggs, J. Emmert, Bell Labs - Lucent Technologies and U. of Kentucky |
2.3. | Self-Testing of FPGA Delay Faults in the System Environment, A. Krasniewski, Warsaw U. of Technology |
11.40 - 12.00 | Break |
12.00 - 12.40 | Session 3: Reliability Issues in Nanometer Technologies and Radiation Effects Moderator: Cecilia Metra, U. Bologna |
3.1. | A Crosstalk Sensor Implementation for Measuring Interferences in Digital CMOS VLSI Circuits, J.A. Sainz, M. Roca, R. Muñoz, J.A. Maiz, L.A. Aguado, U. of the Basque Country and U. of Balearic Islands |
3.2. | An Overview of the Applications of a Pulsed Laser System for SEU Testing, V. Pouget, P. Fouillat, D. Lewis, H. Lapuyade, L. Sarger, F.M. Roche, S. Duzellier, R. Ecoffet, U. of Bordeaux, U. of Montpellier, ONERA - DESP and CNES |
12.40 - 14.00 | Lunch |
14.00 - 15.20 | Session 4: Fault Injection Moderator: Regis Leveugle, TIMA Laboratory |
4.1. | New Techniques for Accelerating Fault Injection in VHDL descriptions, B. Parrotta, M. Rebaudengo, M. Sonza Reorda, M. Violante, Politecnico di Torino |
4.2. | Estimating Circuit Fault - Tolerance by Means of Transient - Fault Injection in VHDL, F. Vargas, A. Amory, R. Velazco, Catholic U. - PUCRS and TIMA Laboratory |
4.3. | A Study of the Effects of Transient Fault Injection into the VHDL Model of a Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer System, D. Gil, J. Gracia, J.C. Baraza, P.J. Gil, Polytechnic University of Valencia |
4.4. | Transient Bitflip Injection in Microprocessor Embedded Applications, R. Velazco, S. Rezgui, TIMA Laboratory |
15.20 - 15.40 | Break |
15.40 - 17.00 | Session 5: On-Line Current Monitoring Moderator: Andre Ivanov, U. of Brit. Columbia |
5.1. | On-line current testing for a microprocessor based application with an off-chip sensor, B. Alorda, I. de Paul, J. Segura, T. Miller, U. of Balears Islands and Intel Corp. |
5.2. | I-V Fast Iddq Current Sensor for On-Line Mixed-Signal/Analog Test, M. Margala, S. Dragic, A. Elabasiry, S. Ekpe, V. Stopjaková, U. of Alberta and Slovak U. of Technology |
5.3. | A Compact Built-In Current Sensor for Iddq Testing, Y. Tsiatouhas, Th. Haniotakis, D. Nikolos, ISD S.A. and U. of Patras |
5.4. | An Improved CMOS BICS for On-Line testing, Y. Maidon, Y. Deval, J.B. Begueret, U. Bordeaux |
19.30 | Welcome Reception - Bellver Castle - |
Tuesday July 4, 2000 | |
08.30 - 09.30 | Session 6: Concurrent Checking Moderator: Bernd Straube, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS Dresden |
6.1. | Concurrent Scan Monitoring and Multi-Pattern Search, J.M.V. dos Santos, ISEP - I. S. Engenharia do Porto |
6.2. | Analytical Redundancy Based Approach for Concurrent Fault Detection in Linear Digital Systems, A. Abdelhay, E. Simeu, TIMA Laboratory |
6.3. | Decomposition Approach to Designing FPGA-based Self-checking Control Units, M. Karpovsky, I. Levin, V. Sinelnikov, Boston U., Tel-Aviv U. and Academic Technological Institute |
09.30 - 09.50 | Break |
09.50 - 10.50 | Session 7: Built-In Self Testing Moderator: Christian Dufaza, LIRMM |
7.1. | Comparison between Random and Pseudo-Random Generation for BIST of Delay and Bridging Faults, R. David, P. Girard, C. Landrault, S. Pravossoudovitch, A. Virazel, U. of Montpellier |
7.2. | On Using Deterministic Test Sets in BIST, O. Novak, J. Nosek, Technical U. of Liberec |
7.3. | Power Reduction in Test-Per-Scan BIST, X. Zhang, K. Roy, Synopsys Inc. and Purdue U. |
10.50 - 11.10 | Break |
11.10 - 12.40 | Panel: Defect Driven Testing: IDDX and what else ? Co-organized with IEEE D&T of Computers Organizer: Joan Figueras, UPC Moderator: Yervant Zorian, LogicVision |
Panelists: | Eberhard Boehl, Robert Bosch GmbH Hans Manhaeve, QStar Michael Nicolaidis, TIMA Laboratory Jaume Segura, U. Illes Balears Chuck Hawkins, U. New Mexico |
12.40 - 14.00 | Lunch |
14.00 - 15.20 | Session 8: Self Checking Circuits and Analog Moderator: Parag K. Lala, U. of Arkansas |
8.1. | New Self-checking Circuits by Use of Berger Codes, A. Morozov, V. Saposhnikov, Vl. Saposhnikov, M. Gössel, U. of Potsdam and Railway Transportation State U. |
8.2. | A new method for concurrent checking by use of a 1-out-of-4 code, M. Gössel, Vl. Saposhnikov, A. Dmitriev, V. Saposhnikov, U. of Potsdam and Railway Transportation State U. |
8.3. | Self-checking FSM design with observing only FSM outputs, A. Matrosova, S. Ostanin, Tomsk State U. |
8.4. | Faster time to market, lower cost of development and test for standard analog IC, P. Migliavacca, STMicroelectronics |
16.00 | Social Event - Tour and Dinner - |
Wednesday July 5, 2000 | |
09.00 - 10.00 | Session 9: Coding Theory and Applications Moderator: Stanislaw Piestrak, T. U. of Wroclaw |
9.1. | Theoretical performance bounds of a probability of error estimator in digital links employing binary block codes, K.D.R. Jagath-Kumara, Massey U., New Zealand |
9.2. | A Stamping Technique to Increase the Error Correcting Capacity of the (127,k,d) RS code, T. Vallino, A. Dandache, J-P. Delahaye, F. Monteiro, B. Lepley, LICM / CLOES / SUPELEC and TDF - C2R |
9.3. | Low Cost Concurrent Error Detection Based on Modulo Weight-Based Codes, D. Das, N.A. Touba, M. Seuring, M. Gössel, U. of Texas at Austin and U. of Potsdam |
10.00 - 10.20 | Break |
10.20 - 11.20 | Session 10: Fault Tolerance and On-Line Testing in Railway and Industrial Control Moderator: TBD, |
10.1. | A Very Flexible DSP-Based Controller to On-Line Test and Control Industrial Process, E. Nillesen, A. Del Pizzo, M. Pasquariello, R. Rizzo, Eindhoven U. of Technology and "Federico II" U. of Napoli |
10.2. | On Realization of Fault-Tolerant Fuzzy Controllers, N. Kamiura, M. Tomita, N. Matsui, Himeji Institute of Technology |
10.3. | ISIS: A Fail - Safe Interface Realised in Smart Power Technology, M. Nicolaidis, N. Zaidan, T. Calin, D. Bied - Charreton, TIMA Laboratory and INRETS |
11.20 - 11.40 | Break |
11.40 - 12.40 | Session 11: On-Line Testing and Self Repair Moderator: TBD, |
11.1. | High level synthesis methodology for on-line testability optimization, M.A. Naal, E. Simeu, TIMA Laboratory |
11.2. | Improving Fault Coverage in System Test, J. Sosnowski, Warsaw U. of Technology |
11.3. | A Family of Self-Repair SRAM Cores, A. Benso, S. Chiusano, G. di Natale, P. Prinetto, Politecnico di Torino |
12.40 - 14.00 | Lunch |
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